Look at this picture for just a second. What is your very first reaction? Now take another look and think about what memories it brings up. Information about determinants (the aspects of the inkblots that triggered the response, such as form and color) and location (which details of the inkblots triggered the response) is considered more important than content, although there is contrasting evidence. In addition, "popularity" and "originality" of responses can be important in the analysis.
When I look at this I instantly see an MRI or a CAT scan of pelvic bones. The middle white area is where the spinal cord would be. I think one of the reasons I thought of this is because I am so used to looking at MRI/CAT scan pictures. My senior year of high school I took Anatomy/Physiology. We looked at numerous images and had to label them. It was an honor elective, but I think it should have counted as an AP class; there was a crazy amount of work we had to do each day. Besides all the work, it was my favorite class. I thought it was amazing learning about the muscles, tissues, bones, and functions of each. Throughout the course we had to create a book; each chapter of the book corresponded to what we were learning. The book is pretty awesome; it has every bone, muscle, and definition I have learned. I kept it because it would come in handy when I take Anatomy here. Science is my favorite subject because there is always so much to learn. I could not work in the science field, though, because blood is not really my thing, and research seems pretty boring. Well, I just wanted to share that with you. What do you see when you look at this? Do you see the same thing I do? I guess this is my last blog so I hope you enjoyed! (:
My first reaction of this blog is of a bug. Like a little beetle or something that looks like that, and the very bottom is the head and little feelers are sticking out. The bug may be squished which is why it looks so big and flat. I really like your blog because it makes me think more than any of the other blogs have.